[FDL in the news] FastCompany Profiles the NASA FDL

Their team showed that it could identify lunar craters with the deep learning algorithm they had used with 98% accuracy. Since 2011, 77 crater detection algorithms have been published, mostly done by hand and eye; none have come close to 98% accuracy.

“Twenty months ago that was kind of impossible,” says Parr.

These type of results are tracking closely with the rest of the AI community. “Achieving human level accuracy isn’t surprising anymore,” says Naveen Rao, the vice president and general manager of the Artificial Intelligence Products Group at Intel. “There is a forward progression.”

That forward progression means completing tasks with human-level accuracy in a fraction of the time it would take a human. The long-period comet team presented an automated and improved meteor classification with a system that takes a few minutes to get through 200,000 images and boasts a 90% accuracy rate. Their work even found a new meteor shower previously undetected. Someone in the audience actually gasped “wow.”

Read more in the Fast Company article

In the newsJodie Hughes