NASA FDL Event Horizon 2018 | Aug 16th

NASA Frontier Development Lab Event Horizon 2018

16th August, 2.00 PM - 6.30PM
Intel Santa Clara, Silicon Valley

AI has been coined “the new electricity” and promises to power a bold new era space exploration.

New AI tools are already demonstrating a new paradigm in robotics, data acquisition and analysis, while also driving down barriers to entry as a key leap-frog technology.

On the 16h of August, Intel will be hosting NASA FDL and program partners where the results of the NASA Frontier Development Lab 2018 program will be shared.

This invitation only event will provide guests with a unique opportunity to discuss the future of space exploration and AI with industry insiders and meet the incredible teams pushing the boundaries of AI application in domains such as Space Weather, Astrobiology, Exoplanet discovery, Earth Observation and Space Resources.

Watch the LIVE STREAM here

EventJodie Hughes