Copy of Introducing the 2019 Disaster Prevention Mentors


Mentor : Piotr Bilinski
Piotr Bilinski is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw, Poland. His research is in computer vision and machine learning. Specific research interests include semantic segmentation, depth prediction, video generation, transfer learning, as well as 3D reconstruction and tracking.

He obtained his PhD in Computer Science with first class honours from the University of Nice, France in 2014. He was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at INRIA, France in 2015-2016 and a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Oxford, UK in 2016-2018. He was also a Research Member of the Common Room at the Wolfson College, University of Oxford in 2017-2018 and an AI mentor at the FDL Europe 2018. Further professional appointments include work at Microsoft Research and Honeywell Laboratory.

Mentor: Jack Eggleston

Jack works as the Chief in the Hydrologic Remote Sensing Branch at the U.S. Geological Survey. He obtained a BS in Mathematics and Philosophy at St. John’s College and a Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering at Duke University.