FDL Peer review Portal

NASA Frontier Development Lab (FDL) - requests your help reviewing the outputs of this year’s Frontier Development Lab Artificial Intelligence (AI) research.

FDL is an applied artificial intelligence research accelerator at Phd and Post Doc level established to leverage new AI technologies emerging in academia and the private sector, and apply them to key challenges in the science and exploration.

The work is arranged in three categories:

  1. Astrobiology and Exoplanets

  2. Lunar Autonomy

  3. Space Weather Prediction

There are two ways to support this effort:

  1. Digital Feedback: See relevant Tech Memos below and fill in this form [Form Link]

  2. Virtual attendance of the review with Mike Seablom, 20th & 21st February 2019
    Please RSVP:
    An agenda can be found here: Agenda [PDF]

Astrobiology and Exoplanets

1) Rapid Classification of Exoplanet Transits with Deep Learning

2) From Biohints to Confirmed Evidence of Life

3) Co-evolution of Extraterrestrial Atmosphere & Alien Biospheres

Lunar Autonomy

4) Merging Orbital Maps with Surface Perspective Imagery

5) Cooperative Multi-Agent Systems for Mission Planning

Space Weather Prediction

6) Forecasting GNSS Disruption

7) Extreme UltraViolet Solar Spectral Irradiance



Mike Seablom

Chief Technologist for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters

Michael Seablom is the Chief Technologist for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters. He has the responsibility for surveying and assessing technology needs for the Heliophysics, Astrophysics, Earth Science, and Planetary Science Divisions, and is the primary liaison to the NASA Office of Chief Technologist and the Space Technology Mission Directorate..

Virtual review with Mike seablom

Please RSVP:


Digital Feedback: I’m not an expert in everything, do I have to review all of the Tech Memos?

No. Just provide feedback in areas where you feel confident you have a good grasp on the content.

Use the digital form [link here] but please reference the project.

Attending Virtually: I haven’t got time to attend the whole session, can i dip in and out?  

NASA Peer Review process aims to provide coherence in reviewer feedback, as such we ask that reviewers consider spending as much time as possible working with Mike for the full period of the review. However, we acknowledge that this is a large commitment and are happy for you to attend the sessions most relevant to your field of expertise.

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An agenda can be found here: Agenda [PDF]

Additional Reviewers: would you like referrals to researchers who may be interested in this work?

Yes please. If you believe you know someone who would be able to provide substantive feedback, we’d be very appreciative. Please contact nush@frontierdevelopmentlab.org